The EvFork class

(PECL ev >= 0.2.0)


Fork watchers are called when a fork() was detected (usually because whoever signalled libev about it by calling EvLoop::fork() ). The invocation is done before the event loop blocks next and before EvCheck watchers are being called, and only in the child after the fork. Note, that if whoever calling EvLoop::fork() calls it in the wrong process, the fork handlers will be invoked, too.


class EvFork extends EvWatcher {
/* 繼承的屬性 */
public $is_active;
public $data;
public $is_pending;
public $priority;
/* 方法 */
public __construct( callable $callback , mixed $data = null , int $priority = 0 )
final public static createStopped( string $callback , string $data = ?, string $priority = ?): object
/* 繼承的方法 */
public EvWatcher::clear(): int
public EvWatcher::feed( int $revents ): void
public EvWatcher::invoke( int $revents ): void
public EvWatcher::keepalive( bool $value = ?): bool
public EvWatcher::setCallback( callable $callback ): void
public EvWatcher::start(): void
public EvWatcher::stop(): void
