(PHP 5, PHP 7 < 7.4.0)
ibase_service_attach — Connect to the service manager
, string $dba_username
, string $dba_password
): resource|false
The name or ip address of the database host. You can define the port by adding '/' and port number. If no port is specified, port 3050 will be used.
The name of any valid user.
The user's password.
Returns a Interbase / Firebird link identifier on success 或者在失敗時返回 false
示例 #1 ibase_service_attach() example
// Attach to the remote Firebird server by ip address
if (($service = ibase_service_attach('', 'sysdba', 'masterkey')) != FALSE) {
// Successfully attached.
// Fetch server version (something like 'LI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0')
$server_version = ibase_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION);
// Fetch server implementation (something like 'Firebird/Linux/AMD/Intel/x64')
$server_implementation = ibase_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_IMPLEMENTATION);
// Detach from server (disconnect)
// Output the info
echo "Server version: " . $server_version . "<br/>";
echo "Server implementation: " . $server_implementation;
else {
// Output message on error
$conn_error = ibase_errmsg();
示例 #2 ibase_service_attach() example using hostname/port
// Attach to the remote Firebird server by name. Use Port 3050.
if (($service = ibase_service_attach('FB-SRV-01.contoso.local/3050', 'sysdba', 'masterkey')) != FALSE) {
// Successfully attached.
// Fetch server version (something like 'LI-V3.0.4.33054 Firebird 3.0')
$server_version = ibase_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_SERVER_VERSION);
// Fetch server implementation (something like 'Firebird/Linux/AMD/Intel/x64')
$server_implementation = ibase_server_info($service, IBASE_SVC_IMPLEMENTATION);
// Detach from server (disconnect)
// Output the info
echo "Server version: " . $server_version . "<br/>";
echo "Server implementation: " . $server_implementation;
else {
// Output message on error
$conn_error = ibase_errmsg();