(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 3.0.0)
IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone -- datefmt_set_timezone — Sets formatter?s timezone
, IntlTimeZone|DateTimeZone|string|null $timezone
): ?boolSets the timezone used for the IntlDateFormatter. object.
The formatter resource.
The timezone to use for this formatter. This can be specified in the following forms:
, in which case the default timezone will be used, as specified in
the ini setting date.timezone or
through the function date_default_timezone_set() and as
returned by date_default_timezone_get().
An IntlTimeZone, which will be used directly.
A DateTimeZone. Its identifier will be extracted and an ICU timezone object will be created; the timezone will be backed by ICU?s database, not PHP?s.
A string, which should be a valid ICU timezone identifier.
See IntlTimeZone::createTimeZoneIDEnumeration(). Raw
offsets such as "GMT+08:30"
are also accepted.
Returns null
on success and false
on failure.
示例 #1 IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() examples
ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Amsterdam');
$formatter = IntlDateFormatter::create(NULL, NULL, NULL, "UTC");
echo "NULL\n ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), "\n";
echo "IntlTimeZone\n ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), "\n";
$formatter->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('Europe/Paris'));
echo "DateTimeZone\n ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), "\n";
echo "String\n ", $formatter->getTimeZone()->getId(), "\n";
NULL Europe/Amsterdam IntlTimeZone Europe/Lisbon DateTimeZone Europe/Paris String Europe/Rome IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => GMT+00:30 [rawOffset] => 1800000 [currentOffset] => 1800000 )