(mongodb >=1.0.0)
MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getServers — Return the servers to which this manager is connected
Returns an array of MongoDB\Driver\Server instances to which this manager is connected.
注意: Since the driver connects to the database lazily, this method may return an empty array if called before executing an operation on the MongoDB\Driver\Manager.
Returns an array of MongoDB\Driver\Server instances to which this manager is connected.
示例 #1 MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getServers() example
$manager = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost:27017");
/* The driver connects to the database server lazily, so Manager::getServers()
* may initially return an empty array. */
$command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(['ping' => 1]);
$manager->executeCommand('db', $command);
array(0) { } array(1) { [0]=> object(MongoDB\Driver\Server)#3 (10) { ["host"]=> string(9) "localhost" ["port"]=> int(27017) ["type"]=> int(1) ["is_primary"]=> bool(false) ["is_secondary"]=> bool(false) ["is_arbiter"]=> bool(false) ["is_hidden"]=> bool(false) ["is_passive"]=> bool(false) ["last_hello_response"]=> array(8) { ["isWritablePrimary"]=> bool(true) ["maxBsonObjectSize"]=> int(16777216) ["maxMessageSizeBytes"]=> int(48000000) ["maxWriteBatchSize"]=> int(1000) ["localTime"]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#4 (1) { ["milliseconds"]=> int(1447267964517) } ["maxWireVersion"]=> int(3) ["minWireVersion"]=> int(0) ["ok"]=> float(1) } ["round_trip_time"]=> int(554) } }