(No version information available, might only be in Git)
BaseResult::getWarningsCount — Fetch warning count from last operation
Returns the number of warnings raised by the last operation. Specifically, these warnings are raised by the MySQL server.
The number of warnings from the last operation.
示例 #1 mysql_xdevapi\RowResult::getWarningsCount() example
$session = mysql_xdevapi\getSession("mysqlx://user:password@localhost");
$session->sql("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS foo")->execute();
$session->sql("CREATE DATABASE foo")->execute();
$session->sql("CREATE TABLE foo.test_table(x int)")->execute();
$schema = $session->getSchema("foo");
$table = $schema->getTable("test_table");
$res = $table->select(['x/0 as bad_x'])->execute();
echo $res->getWarningsCount();