(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)
ReflectionProperty::getDocComment — Gets the property doc comment
Gets the doc comment for a property.
The doc comment if it exists, otherwise false
示例 #1 ReflectionProperty::getDocComment() example
class Str
* @var int The length of the string
public $length = 5;
$prop = new ReflectionProperty('Str', 'length');
string(53) "/** * @var int The length of the string */"
示例 #2 Multiple property declarations
If multiple property declarations are preceeded by a single doc comment, the doc comment refers to the first property only.
class Foo
/** @var string */
public $a, $b;
$class = new \ReflectionClass('Foo');
foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
echo $property->getName() . ': ' . var_export($property->getDocComment(), true) . PHP_EOL;
a: '/** @var string */' b: false