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美音: [???] 英音: [?o?]

第三人稱單數(shù):shows現(xiàn)在分詞:showing過去分詞:shown; showed過去式:showed


及物/不及物動詞表現(xiàn)出; 給…看; 顯露出; 上演

及物動詞表明; 說明; 指示; 演示

名詞顯示; 表演; 展覽; 外觀










1. steal the show : 搶出風(fēng)頭;

2. show up : 露面;

3. show off : 炫耀, 賣弄;

4. run the show : 主持演出, 主持, 操縱;

5. show oneself : 露面;

6. boss the show : 操縱;

7. in dumb show : 用啞劇表演, 打手勢表示;

8. show one's face : 露面, 到場;

9. make a show of oneself : 出丑;

10. show itself : 呈現(xiàn);

11. on show : 陳列著;



1. Can you show me your photographs?


2. Anger showed in his face.


3. The paintings were shown at the Art Gallery.


1. Her worry showed in her eyes.



1. Some delegates walked out in a show of protest.

2. Give the man a fair show.



B:I’ll (let you know/ tell you/ show you) what I find.

A:O.K., I’ll look too.



B:Welcome to our showroom.

A:Thank you, I‘m glad to be here.

B:Is there anything I can show you.

A:I think I‘d like to just look around .


A:Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?


B:I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.


1. show的翻譯

1. 節(jié)目:在另一個節(jié)目(show)中,勒特曼建議說,第八條--暴風(fēng)雪安全告誡就是拿一杯滾燙的麥當(dāng)勞咖啡去清除車道里的雪. 杰里賽恩費爾德(Jerry Seinfeld)甚至播出了一則短劇(episode),其中克萊墨(Kramer)提起了一則熱咖啡訴訟. 這個案件的真實,

2. show在線翻譯

2. 羅志祥:新四大天王: 亞洲舞王--羅志祥(Show), 潘帥--潘瑋柏(Willber), 周董--周杰倫(Jay), 蓋世英雄--王力宏(Leehorm)

3. show:show wildfire; 赤柱店

4. show什么意思

4. show:shipper owned; 發(fā)貨人自有(箱

5. show:show wildingcare; 中華路店

6. show:show wrangler; 來福士


1. 顯示;表明;證明
If something shows that a state of affairs exists, it gives information that proves it or makes it clear to people.

e.g. Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer...
e.g. He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving...

2. (圖畫、圖表、影像或文章)描繪,描述,展示,說明
If a picture, chart, film, or piece of writing shows something, it represents it or gives information about it.

e.g. Figure 4.1 shows the respiratory system...
圖表 4.1 所示為呼吸系統(tǒng)。
e.g. ...a coin showing Cleopatra...

3. 給…看;向…出示(或展示);指給…看
If you show someone something, you give it to them, take them to it, or point to it, so that they can see it or know what you are referring to.

e.g. Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager...
e.g. He showed me the flat he shares with Esther...

4. 引,帶,領(lǐng)(某人到某處)
If you show someone to a room or seat, you lead them there.

e.g. Let me show you to my study...
我?guī)闳ノ业臅俊?br/>e.g. Milton was shown into the office...

5. (通過示范)教…,向…演示,做給…看
If you show someone how to do something, you do it yourself so that they can watch you and learn how to do it.


e.g. Claire showed us how to make a chocolate roulade...
e.g. There are seasoned professionals who can teach you and show you what to do...

6. (使)露出;(使)顯現(xiàn);(使)變得顯著
If something shows or if you show it, it is visible or noticeable.

e.g. He showed his teeth in a humourless grin...
e.g. His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey...

7. 表現(xiàn),體現(xiàn),流露出(態(tài)度、品質(zhì)或情感);(態(tài)度等)體現(xiàn),流露
If you show a particular attitude, quality, or feeling, or if it shows, you behave in a way that makes this attitude, quality, or feeling clear to other people.


e.g. Elsie has had enough time to show her gratitude...
e.g. She showed no interest in her children...

8. 顯示出,表露出,流露出(某種品質(zhì)或特征);(品質(zhì)或特征)表露,顯示
If something shows a quality or characteristic or if that quality or characteristic shows itself, it can be noticed or observed.

e.g. The story shows a strong narrative gift and a vivid eye for detail...
e.g. Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday...

9. (情感、品質(zhì)等的)流露,表露,體現(xiàn)
A show of a feeling or quality is an attempt by someone to make it clear that they have that feeling or quality.

e.g. Miners gathered in the centre of Bucharest in a show of support for the government...
e.g. A crowd of more than 10,000 has gathered in a show of strength...
已經(jīng)有 10,000 多人聚集起來以顯示他們的力量。

10. 裝出的樣子;假象
If you say that something is for show, you mean that it has no real purpose and is done just to give a good impression.

e.g. The change in government is more for show than for real...
e.g. 'It's all show,' said Linus. 'The girls don't take it seriously.'

11. 出現(xiàn)(盈利或虧損)
If a company shows a profit or a loss, its accounts indicate that it has made a profit or a loss.

e.g. It is the only one of the three companies expected to show a profit for the quarter...
e.g. Lonrho's mining and minerals businesses showed some improvement.

12. 如約趕到;出現(xiàn);露面
If a person you are expecting to meet does not show, they do not arrive at the place where you expect to meet them.


e.g. There was always a chance he wouldn't show.

13. (電視或廣播)節(jié)目,秀
A television or radio show is a programme on television or radio.

e.g. I had my own TV show...
e.g. This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous.

14. (尤指包括音樂、舞蹈、滑稽劇等不同內(nèi)容的)演出,表演
A show in a theatre is an entertainment or concert, especially one that includes different items such as music, dancing, and comedy.

e.g. How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?...
e.g. He has earned a reputation as the man who can close a show with a bad review...

15. 放映;播出
If someone shows a film or television programme, it is broadcast or appears on television or in the cinema.


e.g. The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip...
e.g. The drama will be shown on American TV next year...

I gave him a private showing of the film.

16. 展覽;展覽會;展品
A show is a public exhibition of things, such as works of art, fashionable clothes, or things that have been entered in a competition.

e.g. The venue for the show is Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre Hall...
e.g. Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection...

17. 展覽,陳列(藝術(shù)品等)
To show things such as works of art means to put them in an exhibition where they can be seen by the public.

e.g. 50 dealers will show oils, watercolours, drawings and prints from 1900 to 1992.
50 名藝術(shù)品經(jīng)銷商將展出 1900 年到1992 年間的油畫、水彩畫、素描和版畫。
e.g. ...one of East Village's better-known galleries, where he showed and sold his work.

18. (賽馬比賽中賽馬)名列前三甲
In a horse race, if a horse shows, it finishes first, second, or third.


19. (房屋)用于展覽的,樣板的
A show home, house, or flat is one of a group of new homes. The building company decorates it and puts furniture in it, and people who want to buy one of the homes come and look round it.

20. 舉手表決
If a question is decided by a show of hands, people vote on it by raising their hands to indicate whether they vote yes or no.


e.g. Parliamentary leaders agreed to take all such decisions by a show of hands...
e.g. Russell then asked for a show of hands concerning each of the targets.

21. 在…方面做出了成績;在…方面有結(jié)果
If you have something to show for your efforts, you have achieved something as a result of what you have done.

e.g. I'm nearly 31 and it's about time I had something to show for my time in my job...
我快 31 歲了,是該在工作上做出一番成績的時候了。
e.g. It always amazed her how little she had to show for the amount she spent.

22. (用來威脅或警告別人)我要讓你看看,你就等著瞧吧
You can say 'I'll show you' to threaten or warn someone that you are going to make them admit that they are wrong.


e.g. She shook her fist. 'I'll show you,' she said...
e.g. I'll show him, leave it to me.

23. 這恰恰證明;這正好表明
If you say it just goes to show or it just shows that something is the case, you mean that what you have just said or experienced demonstrates that it is the case.


e.g. This just goes to show that getting good grades in school doesn't mean you're clever...
e.g. It's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing.

24. 掌管一切;操縱局勢
If you say that someone is running the show, you mean that they are in control or in charge of a situation.

e.g. They made it clear who is now running the show...
e.g. There's some serious problems with the way the state's leadership has been running the show.

25. 大出風(fēng)頭;搶盡鏡頭
If you say that someone steals the show, you mean that they get a lot of attention or praise because they perform better than anyone else in a show or other event.


e.g. It was Chinese women who stole the show on the first day of competition...
e.g. Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life.

26. to show someone the door -> see door
to show your face -> see face

相關(guān)詞組:show aroundshow offshow roundshow up



1. the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining

e.g. a remarkable show of skill

2. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression

e.g. they try to keep up appearances
that ceremony is just for show

Synonym: appearance

3. a social event involving a public performance or entertainment

e.g. they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway

4. something intended to communicate a particular impression

e.g. made a display of strength
a show of impatience
a good show of looking interested

Synonym: display


1. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment

e.g. The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound
The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture

Synonym: provedemonstrateestablishshew

2. indicate a certain reading
of gauges and instruments

e.g. The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero
The gauge read `empty'

Synonym: readregisterrecord

3. give evidence of, as of records

e.g. The diary shows his distress that evening

4. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing
either spatially or figuratively

e.g. I showed the customer the glove section
He pointed to the empty parking space
he indicated his opponents

Synonym: indicatepointdesignate

5. give expression to

e.g. She showed her disappointment

Synonym: expressevince

6. provide evidence for

e.g. The blood test showed that he was the father
Her behavior testified to her incompetence

Synonym: testifybear witnessproveevidence

7. finish third or better in a horse or dog race

e.g. he bet $2 on number six to show

8. show in, or as in, a picture

e.g. This scene depicts country life
the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting

Synonym: picturedepictrender

9. take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums

e.g. The usher showed us to our seats

Synonym: usher

10. make visible or noticeable

e.g. She showed her talent for cooking
Show me your etchings, please

11. be or become visible or noticeable

e.g. His good upbringing really shows
The dirty side will show

Synonym: show up

12. give an exhibition of to an interested audience

e.g. She shows her dogs frequently
We will demo the new software in Washington

Synonym: demoexhibitpresentdemonstrate

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