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美音: [ji:ld] 英音: [jild]



及物動(dòng)詞屈服,投降; 生產(chǎn); 獲利; 不再反對(duì)

不及物動(dòng)詞放棄,屈服; 生利; 退讓,退位

名詞產(chǎn)量,產(chǎn)額; 投資的收益; 屈服,擊穿; 產(chǎn)品




1. yield

1. I will not yield a step.

2. They yield ed the fortress to the enemy.


3. These apple trees yield plenty of fruit this year.


1. These fruit trees yielded poorly last year.


1. 收益:評(píng)論:收益(Yield)和點(diǎn)擊率是同一術(shù)語(yǔ). 點(diǎn)擊率有多方面的價(jià)值,在網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告中,它是廣告有效性的表現(xiàn),它表示訪問者已到達(dá)廣告客戶的網(wǎng)站,而且這些網(wǎng)站還可以提供其它信息. 衡量你網(wǎng)站最大數(shù)量或者質(zhì)量最好的流量從何而來(lái),

2. 屈服:早已深深愛上了她!丘比特想出一個(gè)辦法,他懇求太陽(yáng)神阿波羅向普賽克的父親發(fā)出神示:必須禁止女兒結(jié)婚,并把她遺棄到荒涼的山巖上,讓一條飛龍帶走;否則,他的國(guó)家將會(huì)蒙受災(zāi)難. 國(guó)王沒有辦法,只得屈服(yield)神的意志.

3. 產(chǎn)量: to Sector:空間跳躍,需要裝備(Jump Driver)及能量塊(Energy Cell),跳躍一個(gè)區(qū)Scanner,會(huì)出現(xiàn)隕石所含礦物(Resource)以及產(chǎn)量(Yield). 但是,如果這時(shí)候你就選擇這條命令,


1. 屈服;屈從;讓步
If you yield to someone or something, you stop resisting them.

e.g. Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire?...
e.g. I yielded to an impulse...

2. . 放棄;繳出;讓出
If you yield something that you have control of or responsibility for, you allow someone else to have control or responsibility for it


e.g. He may yield control...
e.g. The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republics.

3. 被…替代;為…所取代
If one thing yields to another thing, it is replaced by this other thing.

e.g. Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.

4. (行人或車輛)讓路,讓行
If a moving person or a vehicle yields, they slow down or stop in order to allow other people or vehicles to pass in front of them.

e.g. When entering a trail or starting a descent, yield to other skiers.
e.g. ...examples of common signs like No Smoking or Yield.

in BRIT, usually use 英國(guó)英語(yǔ)通常用 give way

5. (受壓)折斷,活動(dòng),移位
If something yields, it breaks or moves position because force or pressure has been put on it.

e.g. The door yielded easily when he pushed it.

6. 出產(chǎn)(作物);產(chǎn)(肉)
If an area of land yields a particular amount of a crop, this is the amount that is produced. You can also say that a number of animals yield a particular amount of meat.

e.g. Last year 400,000 acres of land yielded a crop worth $1.75 billion.

7. (農(nóng)作物或牲畜的)產(chǎn)量,產(chǎn)出
A yield is the amount of food produced on an area of land or by a number of animals.

e.g. ...improving the yield of the crop...
e.g. Polluted water lessens crop yields.

8. (稅收或投資)產(chǎn)生,帶來(lái)(收益或效益)
If a tax or investment yields an amount of money or profit, this money or profit is obtained from it.

e.g. It yielded a profit of at least $36 million.

9. 投資收益;利潤(rùn)
A yield is the amount of money or profit produced by an investment.

e.g. ...a yield of 4%...
e.g. The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors.

10. 產(chǎn)生(結(jié)果);得出(信息)
If something yields a result or piece of information, it produces it.

e.g. This research has been in progress since 1961 and has yielded a great number of positive results...
e.g. His trip to Melbourne had yielded a lot of information.

相關(guān)詞組:yield up



1. production of a certain amount

Synonym: output

2. an amount of a product

Synonym: fruit

3. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property

e.g. the average return was about 5%

Synonym: returnissuetaketakingsproceedspayoff

4. the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time)

e.g. production was up in the second quarter

Synonym: outputproduction



1. end resistance, as under pressure or force

e.g. The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram

Synonym: give way

2. consent reluctantly

Synonym: give insuccumbknuckle underbuckle under

3. be willing to concede

e.g. I grant you this much

Synonym: concedegrant

4. cease opposition
stop fighting

5. be flexible under stress of physical force

e.g. This material doesn't give

Synonym: give

6. give or supply

e.g. The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
The estate renders some revenue for the family

Synonym: renderreturngivegenerate

7. cause to happen or be responsible for

e.g. His two singles gave the team the victory

Synonym: give

8. move in order to make room for someone for something

e.g. The park gave way to a supermarket
`Move over,' he told the crowd

Synonym: move overgive waygiveease up

9. bring in

e.g. interest-bearing accounts
How much does this savings certificate pay annually?

Synonym: paybear

10. give over
surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

Synonym: concedecedegrant

11. be the cause or source of

e.g. He gave me a lot of trouble
Our meeting afforded much interesting information

Synonym: giveafford

12. be fatally overwhelmed

Synonym: succumb

13. give in, as to influence or pressure

Synonym: relentsoften

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