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mail a postcard
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mail a postcard單語例句

mail a postcard什么意思

1. US Postal Service spokesman Victor Dubina says the postcard may have been stuck in equipment or lost behind amail chute.

mail a postcard的翻譯

mail a postcard雙語例句

1. Give thanks to those who have poured out their love over the year. Send apostcard or maila gift to those in need afar; it only takes a spark to keep the fire of love burning.

2. For unmanned checkpoints where no means of getting a stamp is available (arrival in the middle of the night for example), the rider may either (1) mail in apostcard with the checkpoint information (time, date, full name of the rider, and the rider's club affiliation) to the brevet organizer; or (2) write into their brevet card identifying information from a predetermined landmark or sign at the checkpoint also noting the time and the date of passage.

3. If you only have customers'mailing addresses, it's more cost-effective to mailapostcard directing people to an online survey rather than send the whole questionnaire, Pingitore says.

4. Not long after the warden deprived us of his company, I got apostcard in the mail.

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