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美音: [k?n] 英音: [k?n]



助動詞可以; 能; 能夠; 可能


名詞罐頭; (用金屬或塑料制作的)容器; (馬口鐵或其他金屬制作的)食品罐頭




1. in the can : (影片等)攝制完成(準(zhǔn)備上映)的;




1. Can you hold on a minute, please?

2. You can't pick the ball up in football.

3. can的近義詞

3. If you won't keep quiet you can get out.

4. June can drive now.



A:Can I have your name?

B:Why? Don't you already have one?


A:Can I see your (ticket/ I.D.*/ driver’s license), please?


B:Here you are.


A:There’s another (traffic jam/ back-up/ accident) on the highway.

B:How can there be?


1. can什么意思

1. 罐:挖塞!!貌似百事又搞了一個上罐(CAN)活動,搞怪的,美女的,帥哥的貌似一個都能不少,問一下,這次評選有什么special獎勵嗎?


2. 加拿大:2007 墨爾本(澳大利亞) 美國 (USA) 澳大利亞(AUS) 俄羅斯(RUS)2005 蒙特利爾(加拿大) 匈牙利(HUN) 美國(USA) 加拿大(CAN)2003 巴塞羅那(西班牙) 美國(USA) 意大利(ITA) 俄羅斯(RUS)2001 福岡(日本) 意大利(ITA) 匈牙利(HU

3. 醋酸-硝酸纖維素:紹二、醋酸-硝酸纖維素(CAN)行業(yè)下游發(fā)展?fàn)顩r分析三、醋酸-硝酸纖維素(CAN)行業(yè)下游對醋酸-硝酸纖維素(CAN)行業(yè)影響力分析第十二章 醋酸-硝酸纖維素(CAN)重點企業(yè)發(fā)展分析第十三章 醋酸-硝酸纖維素(CAN)行業(yè)投資策略分析第

4. can:gigabit campus area network; 校園網(wǎng)

5. can的反義詞

5. can:controller area network bus; can總線

6. can:controller local area network; 控制器局域網(wǎng)

7. can:controller area network; 控制局域網(wǎng)


情態(tài)動詞用法(MODAL USES)

Can is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. The form cannot is used in negative statements. The usual spoken form of cannot is can't, pronounced /kɑ?nt, AM k?nt/. can 是情態(tài)動詞,與動詞原形連用。cannot 用于否定句中,口語中通常作 can't,讀作 /kɑ?nt, am 美 k?nt/。

1. (表示某事物的特點)能夠,可以
You use can when you are mentioning a quality or fact about something which people may make use of if they want to.

e.g. Pork is also the most versatile of meats. It can be roasted whole or in pieces...
e.g. Luckily, iron can be reworked and mistakes don't have to be thrown away...

2. (表示有能力或機(jī)會)能,會,可以
You use can to indicate that someone has the ability or opportunity to do something.

e.g. Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself...
e.g. I can't give you details because I don't actually have any details...

3. (用于否定句,表示情況不允許)不能,無法
You use cannot to indicate that someone is not able to do something because circumstances make it impossible for them to do it.

e.g. People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches...
e.g. We cannot buy food, clothes and pay for rent and utilities on $20 a week...

4. 有可能;有時會
You use can to indicate that something is true sometimes or is true in some circumstances.


e.g. ...long-term therapy that can last five years or more...
e.g. A vacant lot or a bombsite can, to the amateur naturalist, produce an extraordinary variety of flora and fauna...

5. (用于否定句,表示確信某事不真實或不會發(fā)生)不可能,不會
You use cannot and can't to state that you are certain that something is not the case or will not happen.


e.g. From her knowledge of Douglas's habits, she feels sure that the attacker can't have been Douglas...
e.g. Things can't be that bad...

6. (表示允許)可以
You use can to indicate that someone is allowed to do something. You use cannot or can't to indicate that someone is not allowed to do something.

e.g. You must buy the credit life insurance before you can buy the disability insurance...
e.g. No-one can set up a waste disposal company unless they can show that they've got enough money and trained staff to do the job properly...

7. 不行;不能;不該
You use cannot or can't when you think it is very important that something should not happen or that someone should not do something.

e.g. It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on...
e.g. The Commission can't demand from Sweden more than it demands from its own members.

8. (通常用于疑問句,表示建議或提議幫忙)能
You use can, usually in questions, in order to make suggestions or to offer to do something.

e.g. What can I do around here?...
e.g. This old lady was struggling out of the train and I said, 'Oh, can I help you?'...

9. (用于疑問句時,can 表示禮貌的請求,而 can't 表示強(qiáng)烈請求)
You use can in questions in order to make polite requests. You use can't in questions in order to request strongly that someone does something.

e.g. Can I have a look at that?...
e.g. Can you please help?...

10. (用于有禮貌地打斷,或引導(dǎo)要說的話)能,可以
You use can as a polite way of interrupting someone or of introducing what you are going to say next.

e.g. Can I interrupt you just for a minute?...
e.g. But if I can interrupt, Joe, I don't think anybody here is personally blaming you...

11. (與 imagine, think, believe 等動詞連用,用來加強(qiáng)語氣)能
You use can with verbs such as 'imagine', 'think', and 'believe' in order to emphasize how you feel about a particular situation.

e.g. You can imagine he was terribly upset...
e.g. You can't think how glad I was to see them all go...

12. (與 how 一起用于疑問句,表示感受強(qiáng)烈)能,能夠
You use can in questions with 'how' to indicate that you feel strongly about something.

e.g. How can you complain about higher taxes?...
e.g. How can millions of dollars go astray?...

Can, could, and be able to are all used to talk about a person's ability to do something. They are followed by the infinitive form of a verb. You use can or a present form of be able to to refer to the present, although can is more common. They can all read and write... The snake is able to catch small mammals. You use could or a past form of be able to to refer to the past, and 'will' or 'shall' with be able to to refer to the future. Be able to is used if you want refer to doing something at a particular time. After treatment he was able to return to work. Can and could are used to talk about possibility. Could refers to a particular occasion and can to more general situations. Many jobs could be lost... Too much salt can be harmful. When talking about the past, you use could have and a past participle. It could have been much worse. You also use can for the present and could for the past to talk about rules or what people are allowed to do. They can leave at any time. Note that when making requests either can or could may be used. Can I have a drink?... Could we put the fire on? However, could is always used for suggestions. You could phone her and ask.
can, could 和 be able to 都可以表示某人有能力做某事, 后接動詞原形。can 和 be able to 的現(xiàn)在式指現(xiàn)在, 不過 can 更常見: They can all read and write (他們都能讀會寫), The snake is able to catch small mammals (蛇能捕捉小型哺乳動物)。用 could 或 be able to 的過去式表示過去, will 或 shall 與 be able to 連用指將來。表示特定時間做某事時, 用 be able to: After treatment he was able to return to work (經(jīng)過治療, 他又能上班了)。can 和 could 可用來談?wù)摽赡苄? could 指特定場合, can 指較一般的情況: Many jobs could be lost (可能會失去許多工作崗位), Too much salt can be harmful (食鹽過多會有害處)。談?wù)撨^去則用 could have 加過去分詞: It could have been much worse (原本會更糟糕)。表示規(guī)則或獲準(zhǔn)做某事, 可用 can 指現(xiàn)在, could 指過去: They can leave at any time (他們隨時可以離開)。注意, 表示請求時, can 和 could 都能用: Can I have a drink (給我來杯飲料好嗎), Could we put the fire on (我們可以把火點上嗎)。然而, 提建議時總用 could: You could phone her and ask (你可以打電話給她問問看)。


1. (盛放食品、飲料或油漆的)罐子,金屬罐,聽
A can is a metal container in which something such as food, drink, or paint is put. The container is usually sealed to keep the contents fresh.


e.g. Several young men were kicking a tin can along the middle of the road.
e.g. ...empty beer cans.

2. 將(食物、飲料)裝罐保存
When food or drink is canned, it is put into a metal container and sealed so that it will remain fresh.

e.g. ...fruits and vegetables that will be canned, skinned, diced or otherwise processed...
e.g. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.

3. 廁所
The can is the toilet.

4. 解雇;開除
If you are canned, you are dismissed from your job.

e.g. The extremists prevailed, and the security minister was canned...
e.g. When I got canned, I took these keys as souvenirs.

5. see also: canned

6. 承擔(dān)所有指責(zé);代人受過
If you have to carry the can, you have to take all the blame for something.

e.g. We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to carry the can.

7. 完成了的;完結(jié)的
If you say that something such as a job that you are doing is in the can, you mean that it is completely finished.

e.g. With another day's work in the can, Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat.



1. airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.

Synonym: tintin can

2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

Synonym: toiletlavatorylavjohnprivybathroom

3. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

Synonym: toiletcommodecrapperpotpottystoolthrone

4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

Synonym: buttocksnatesarsebuttbacksidebumbunsfundamenthindquartershind endkeisterposteriorpratrearrear endrumpsternseattailtail endtooshietushbottombehindderrierefannyass

5. a buoy with a round bottom and conical top

Synonym: can buoy

6. the quantity contained in a can

Synonym: canful


1. preserve in a can or tin

e.g. tinned foods are not very tasty

Synonym: tinput up

2. terminate the employment of
discharge from an office or position

e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
The company terminated 25% of its workers

Synonym: displacefiregive noticedismissgive the axesend awaysackforce outgive the sackterminate

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