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美音: [h?v] 英音: [h?v]




及物動(dòng)詞有,具有; 拿,取得; 從事; 必須,不得不

名詞〈口〉有產(chǎn)者,有錢(qián)人; 富國(guó); 〈英俚〉欺騙,詐騙


1. have on : 穿著, 戴著;

2. have had it : 完了;

3. have to : [have got to] 不得不, 只好;




1. I had my watch stolen last night.

2. They had their lunch in a cafeteria.

3. I guess I have your ideas.

4. have的解釋

4. I won't have anyone smoking in here.



A:Have a Merry Christmas.

B:Thank you.


A:Can I have your name?


B:Why? Don't you already have one?


A:I think I have the (cash / money).




1. 吃:had是吃飯的吃(have)這個(gè)動(dòng)作的過(guò)去分詞形式~[回答 5] have是表示完成時(shí). had是吃飯的吃(have)這個(gè)動(dòng)作的過(guò)去分詞形式~

2. have:hospital availability exchange; 醫(yī)院有效性交換



In spoken English, forms of have are often shortened, for example I have is shortened to I've and has not is shortened to hasn't.
在英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)中 have 經(jīng)常用縮略形式,如 I have 略作 I've,has not 略作 hasn't。

1. (have 和 has 與過(guò)去分詞連用構(gòu)成動(dòng)詞的現(xiàn)在完成時(shí))
You use the forms have and has with a past participle to form the present perfect tense of verbs.

e.g. Alex has already gone...
e.g. I've just seen a play that I can highly recommend...

2. (had 與過(guò)去分詞連用構(gòu)成動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去完成時(shí))
You use the form had with a past participle to form the past perfect tense of verbs.

e.g. When I met her, she had just returned from a job interview...
e.g. By Friday at 5:30 p.m., I still hadn't heard from Lund...

3. (用于附加疑問(wèn)句中)
Have is used in question tags.

e.g. You haven't sent her away, have you?...
e.g. It's happened, hasn't it?...

4. (用于對(duì)帶有 have,has 或 had 的句子作肯定或否定回答)
You use have when you are confirming or contradicting a statement containing 'have', 'has', or 'had', or answering a question.


e.g. 'You'd never seen the Marilyn Monroe film?' — 'No I hadn't.'...
“你從未看過(guò)瑪麗蓮·夢(mèng)露的電影?”“對(duì),沒(méi)有?!?br/>e.g. 'Have you been to York before?' — 'Yes we have.'

5. (having 和過(guò)去分詞連用,所引導(dǎo)的分句中提到的動(dòng)作發(fā)生在另一個(gè)動(dòng)作開(kāi)始之前)
The form having with a past participle can be used to introduce a clause in which you mention an action which had already happened before another action began.

e.g. He arrived in San Francisco, having left New Jersey on January 19th...
e.g. Having been told by his doctor that he was overweight, he's eating all the fibre and fruit he can.


Have is used in combination with a wide range of nouns, where the meaning of the combination is mostly given by the noun.
have 可以和很多名詞連用,其意思主要由名詞決定。

1. (have 后接名詞代替該名詞作動(dòng)詞的用法,描述某一動(dòng)作或事件)
You can use have followed by a noun to talk about an action or event, when it would be possible to use the same word as a verb. For example, you can say 'I had a look at the photos' instead of 'I looked at the photos.'


e.g. I went out and had a walk around...
e.g. She rested for a while, then had a wash and changed her clothes...

2. (在英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)或書(shū)面語(yǔ)中,have可以和很多名詞連用以代替某個(gè)具體的動(dòng)詞,描述某一動(dòng)作或事件)
In normal spoken or written English, people use have with a wide range of nouns to talk about actions and events, often instead of a more specific verb. For example people are more likely to say 'we had ice cream' or 'he's had a shock' than 'we ate ice cream', or 'he's suffered a shock'.

e.g. Come and have a meal with us tonight...
e.g. We will be having a meeting to decide what to do...

其他動(dòng)詞用法和短語(yǔ)(OTHER VERB USES AND PHRASES)

For meanings 1-4, people often use have got in spoken British English or have gotten in spoken American English, instead of have. In this case, have is pronounced as an auxiliary verb. For more information and examples of the use of ‘have got’ and ‘have gotten’, see got.
在義項(xiàng)1-4中,英國(guó)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)中常用 have got 代替 have,美國(guó)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)中則常用 have gotten。這時(shí),have 的發(fā)音與作助動(dòng)詞時(shí)相同。有關(guān) have got 和 have gotten 的用法詳情和例證見(jiàn) got。

1. 有;擁有
You use have to say that someone or something owns a particular thing, or when you are mentioning one of their qualities or characteristics.

e.g. Oscar had a new bicycle...
e.g. I want to have my own business...

2. 有…要(做);必須(做)
If you have something to do, you are responsible for doing it or must do it.

e.g. He had plenty of work to do...
e.g. I have some important calls to make.

3. (用于代替 there is, 表示某事物存在或發(fā)生了某事)
You can use have instead of 'there is' to say that something exists or happens. For example, you can say 'you have no alternative' instead of 'there is no alternative', or 'he had a good view from his window' instead of 'there was a good view from his window'.

e.g. He had two tenants living with him...
e.g. We haven't any shops on the island...

4. (使)保持;(使)處于
If you have something such as a part of your body in a particular position or state, it is in that position or state.


e.g. Mary had her eyes closed...
e.g. They had the curtains open...

5. 請(qǐng)人做;讓人做
If you have something done, someone does it for you or you arrange for it to be done.

e.g. I had your rooms cleaned and aired...
e.g. They had him killed...

6. 遭遇(不愉快的事)
If someone has something unpleasant happen to them, it happens to them.

e.g. We had our money stolen...
e.g. The dance hall once even had its roof blown off in World War II.

7. 勸說(shuō);讓;命令
If you have someone do something, you persuade, cause, or order them to do it.

e.g. If you happen to talk to him, have him call me...
e.g. The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe...

8. 抓?。橙松眢w的某部位)
If someone has you by a part of your body, they are holding you there and they are trying to hurt you or force you to go somewhere.


e.g. When the police came, Larry had him by the ear and was beating his head against the pavement.

9. (從某人那里)得到
If you have something from someone, they give it to you.


e.g. You can have my ticket...
e.g. Can I have your name please?...

10. 患有(疾病、殘疾)
If you have an illness or disability, you suffer from it.


e.g. I had a headache...
e.g. He might be having a heart attack...

11. 生(孩子)/懷(孩子)
If a woman has a baby, she gives birth to it. If she is having a baby, she is pregnant.

e.g. My wife has just had a baby boy...
e.g. She's having another baby.

12. 不允許;不容忍
You can use have in expressions such as 'I won't have it' or 'I'm not having that', to mean that you will not allow or put up with something.


e.g. She wanted to be alone. They wouldn't have it...
e.g. I'm not having any of that nonsense...

13. 根據(jù)謠傳/傳說(shuō)
You can use has it in expressions such as 'rumour has it that' or 'as legend has it' when you are quoting something that you have heard, but you do not necessarily think it is true.

e.g. Rumour has it that tickets were being sold for £300...
e.g. He could not possibly have been poisoned as popular legend has it.

14. 跟…過(guò)不去;總想找…的茬兒
If someone has it in for you, they do not like you and they want to make life difficult for you.

e.g. He's always had it in for the Dawkins family.

15. 深藏不露;有兩下子
If you have it in you, you have abilities and skills which you do not usually use and which only show themselves in a difficult situation.

e.g. 'You were brilliant!' he said. 'I didn't know you had it in you.'
“你真厲害!”他說(shuō),“我不知道你還有這兩下子?!?br/>e.g. He has it in him to succeed.

16. 和…發(fā)生性關(guān)系
To have it off with someone or have it away with someone means to have sex with them.

e.g. He reckons she's having it off with the gardener.

17. 捉弄;戲弄
If you are having someone on, you are pretending that something is true when it is not true, for example as a joke or in order to tease them.

e.g. Malone's eyes widened. 'You're having me on, Liam.'

18. 和…講個(gè)明白;和…爭(zhēng)論出個(gè)結(jié)果
If you have it out or have things out with someone, you discuss a problem or disagreement very openly with them, even if it means having an argument, because you think this is the best way to solve the problem.

e.g. Why not have it out with your critic, discuss the whole thing face to face?

19. to be had -> see had
to have had it -> see had

情態(tài)動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ)(MODAL PHRASES)

1. 需要;必須;不得不
You use have to when you are saying that something is necessary or required, or must happen. If you do not have to do something, it is not necessary or required.


e.g. He had to go to Germany...
e.g. We'll have to find a taxi...

2. 肯定;一定
You can use have to in order to say that you feel certain that something is true or will happen.

e.g. There has to be some kind of way out...
e.g. That has to be the biggest lie ever told.



1. a person who possesses great material wealth

Synonym: rich personwealthy person


1. cause to be born

e.g. My wife had twins yesterday!

Synonym: give birthdeliverbearbirth

2. suffer from
be ill with

e.g. She has arthritis

3. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)

e.g. She suffered a fracture in the accident
He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars
She got a bruise on her leg
He got his arm broken in the scuffle

Synonym: suffersustainget

4. cause to move
cause to be in a certain position or condition

e.g. He got his squad on the ball
This let me in for a big surprise
He got a girl into trouble

Synonym: getlet

5. undergo

e.g. The stocks had a fast run-up

Synonym: experience

6. cause to do
cause to act in a specified manner

e.g. The ads induced me to buy a VCR
My children finally got me to buy a computer
My wife made me buy a new sofa

Synonym: inducestimulatecausegetmake

7. serve oneself to, or consume regularly

e.g. Have another bowl of chicken soup!
I don't take sugar in my coffee

Synonym: consumeingesttake intake

8. have sex with
archaic use

e.g. He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable

Synonym: take

9. organize or be responsible for

e.g. hold a reception
have, throw, or make a party
give a course

Synonym: holdthrowmakegive

10. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

e.g. get an idea
experience vertigo
get nauseous
receive injuries
have a feeling

Synonym: experiencereceiveget

11. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense

e.g. She has $1,000 in the bank
He has got two beautiful daughters
She holds a Master's degree from Harvard

Synonym: have gothold

12. have ownership or possession of

e.g. He owns three houses in Florida
How many cars does she have?

Synonym: ownpossess

13. have left

e.g. I have two years left
I don't have any money left
They have two more years before they retire

14. get something
come into possession of

e.g. receive payment
receive a gift
receive letters from the front

Synonym: receive

15. receive willingly something given or offered

e.g. The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter
I won't have this dog in my house!
Please accept my present

Synonym: accepttake

16. achieve a point or goal

e.g. Nicklaus had a 70
The Brazilian team got 4 goals
She made 29 points that day

Synonym: getmake

17. have a personal or business relationship with someone

e.g. have a postdoc
have an assistant
have a lover

18. have as a feature

e.g. This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France

Synonym: feature

19. be confronted with

e.g. What do we have here?
Now we have a fine mess

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