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美音: [w?n] 英音: [w?n]



數詞一個; (數字)一; (基數)一,第一

名詞一個人; 一體; 一點鐘; 獨一

代詞一個人; 任何人; 本人,人家; 東西

形容詞某一個的; 一體的; 一方的


1. one and the same : 同一個, 完全一樣;

2. one and all : 個個都, 全都;

3. in one : 成為一體;

4. be at one : 一致;

5. one after another : 接連地;

6. one another : 彼此, 互相;

7. one and only : 唯一的;

8. for one : 舉個例說;

9. one by one : 一個接一個;

10. never a one : 沒有一個, 沒有一個人;

11. one or two : 一、二個, 很少的;

12. one or other : 或者這個;

13. in the year one : 很久以前;

14. one too many : 多余的一個;



1. I'm one with you on this subject.

2. One day he will be sorry.

3. one

3. He's the one man who can help you out of your difficulty.


1. One can not learn a language well unless one works hard.

2. I haven't a book; can you lend me one?



A:What (wine/ pasta/ dessert) do you recommend?


B:This one is excellent.


A:I want the one with the highest (interest rate/ returns/ rate).




A:Excuse me, sir.


B:Yes, I’ll be with you in one (second/ moment/ minute).


1. one什么意思

1. one:open network environment; 開放網絡環(huán)境

2. one的反義詞

2. one:open net environment; 在其開放網路環(huán)境


1. (數字)1
One is the number 1.


e.g. They had three sons and one daughter.
e.g. ...one thousand years ago...

2. 唯一的;僅有的
If you say that someone or something is the one person or thing of a particular kind, you are emphasizing that they are the only person or thing of that kind.


e.g. They had alienated the one man who knew the business...
e.g. His one regret is that he has never learned a language.

3. (用于代替a以強調之后的名詞)
One can be used instead of 'a' to emphasize the following noun.

e.g. There is one thing I would like to know—What is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?...
e.g. One person I hate is Russ.

4. (用于代替a以強調之后的形容詞或短語)
You can use one instead of 'a' to emphasize the following adjective or expression.

e.g. If we ever get married we'll have one terrific wedding...
e.g. It's like one enormous street carnival here.

5. (用于人名前,表示未曾相識或聽聞的)某一個
You can use one in front of someone's name to indicate that you have not met them or heard of them before.

e.g. It seems that the fifth man is one John Cairncross.

6. (表示與其他的作比較)這一個
You can use one to refer to the first of two or more things that you are comparing.

e.g. Prices vary from one shop to another...
e.g. The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other.

7. (用于代替名詞,指代某類明確的人或事物)
You can use one or ones instead of a noun when it is clear what type of thing or person you are referring to and you are describing them or giving more information about them.

e.g. They are selling their house to move to a smaller one...
e.g. We test each one to see that it flies well.

8. (泛指)人們
You use ones to refer to people in general.


e.g. We are the only ones who know.

9. (用于代替名詞詞組,表示剛提到過的事物)
You can use one instead of a noun group when you have just mentioned something and you want to describe it or give more information about it.

e.g. His response is one of anger and frustration...
e.g. The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.

10. (特指一群人或事物中的)一人,一個
You can use one when you have been talking or writing about a group of people or things and you want to say something about a particular member of the group.

e.g. 'A college degree isn't enough', said one honors student.

11. (同類事物或人中)(最…之)一
You use one in expressions such as 'one of the biggest airports' or 'one of the most experienced players' to indicate that something or someone is bigger or more experienced than most other things or people of the same kind.

e.g. Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers.

12. (過去或將來的)某一(時刻)
You can use one when referring to a time in the past or in the future. For example, if you say that you did something one day, you mean that you did it on a day in the past.

e.g. How would you like to have dinner one night, just you and me?...
e.g. Then one evening Harry phoned, asking me to come to their flat as soon as possible.

13. (指代問題、笑話、評論、討論的主題等)一個
You can use one to refer to a question, joke, remark, or subject of discussion.

e.g. This is a tricky one to answer...
e.g. Have you heard the one about the Irishman, the Englishman and the American?...

14. (一杯)酒
You can use one to refer to an alcoholic drink.

e.g. Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time.

15. (泛指包括自己的人,可作句子的主語或賓語)一個人,任何人
You use one to make statements about people in general which also apply to themselves. One can be used as the subject or object of a sentence.

e.g. If one looks at the longer run, a lot of positive things are happening...
e.g. Where does one go from there?...

One or you is used when making statements that are true of any individual person. One is more formal than you. I suppose one can't blame him... A crisis can make you stop and take a look at your life. People is used to talk about everyone in general, or about a particular group. ...the amount of bread people buy... Don't go on about it. People may get embarrassed.
表達某些情況適用于任何一個人時,用 one 或 you,但 one 比 you 更正式,如:I supposed one can't blame him(我想人們無法責怪他),A crisis can make you stop and take a look at your life(一場危機能使你停下來,反思自己的人生)。people 用于泛指每個人或某一群人,如:the amount of bread people buy (人們購買面包的量),Don't go on about it. People may get embarrassed (別沒完沒了地講這件事,大家會很尷尬的)。

16. 一起;一致地
If a group of people does something as one, all the people do the same thing at the same time or in the same way.


e.g. The 40,000 crowd rose as one.

17. 喜歡(或贊成、樂于)…的人
If you say that someone is one for or is a one for something, you mean that they like or approve of it or enjoy doing it.

e.g. I'm not one for political discussions...
e.g. She was a real one for flirting with the boys.

18. (強調某人與眾不同的反應或行為方式)舉個例說
You can use for one to emphasize that a particular person is definitely reacting or behaving in a particular way, even if other people are not.


e.g. I, for one, hope you don't get the job.

19. (表示強調)很多
You can use expressions such as a hundred and one ,a thousand and one, and a million and one to emphasize that you are talking about a large number of things or people.

e.g. There are a hundred and one ways in which you can raise money.

20. 集(若干部分或功能)為一體
You can use in one to indicate that something is a single unit, but is made up of several different parts or has several different functions.

e.g. ...a love story and an adventure all in one...
e.g. This cream moisturises and repairs in one.

21. 三三兩兩地;零零落落地
You can use in ones and twos to indicate that people do things or something happens gradually and in small groups.

e.g. They lose interest and start drifting away in ones and twos.

22. 一個接一個地;接連地;陸續(xù)地
You use one after the other or one after another to say that actions or events happen with very little time between them.


e.g. My three guitars broke one after the other...
e.g. One after another, people described how hard it is for them to get medical care.

23. (用于節(jié)目中介紹演員、歌手或其他名人)絕無僅有的,獨一無二的
The one and only can be used in front of the name of an actor, singer, or other famous person when they are being introduced on a show.

e.g. ...one of the greatest ever rock performers, the one and only Tina Turner.

24. 逐個地;依次地
You can use one by one to indicate that people do things or that things happen in sequence, not all at the same time.

e.g. We went into the room one by one...
e.g. One by one the houses burst into flames.

25. (一組事物或人之中的)或者這個或者那個,有一個
You use one or other to refer to one or more things or people in a group, when it does not matter which particular one or ones are thought of or chosen.

e.g. One or other of the two women was wrong.

26. 一兩個;幾個
One or two means a few.

e.g. We may make one or two changes...
e.g. I've also sold one or two to an American publisher...

27. 不大可能(做…)的人
If you say that someone is not one to do something, you think that it is very unlikely that they would do it because it is not their normal behaviour.

e.g. I'm not one to waste time on just anyone.

28. 略勝…一籌;占…的上風
If you try to get one up on someone, you try to gain an advantage over them.


e.g. ...the competitive kind who will see this as the opportunity to be one up on you.

29. one and all -> see all
one another -> see another
one thing after another -> see another
to pull a fast one -> see fast
of one mind -> see mind
in one piece -> see piece
put one over on -> see put



1. a single person or thing

e.g. he is the best one
this is the one I ordered

2. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number

e.g. he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it
they had lunch at one

Synonym: 1Iacesingleunity


1. being a single entity made by combining separate components

e.g. three chemicals combining into one solution

2. used of a single unit or thing
not two or more

e.g. `ane' is Scottish

Synonym: 1iane

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